The main symptoms of varicose veins on the lower legs in women

Varicose veins are a very dangerous disease. It is almost impossible to manifest itself for many years, because in the early stages nothing bothers a person, and mild illness is associated with living conditions, but not problems with the veins. And then deterioration occurs, the disease progresses, and it becomes more difficult to cure. In this case, varicose veins can affect various parts of the body that have veins. But most suffer from women's legs, so the symptoms of varicose veins in women should be noted.

Varicose veins are a very dangerous disease. It is almost impossible to manifest itself for many years, because in the early stages nothing bothers a person, and mild illness is associated with living conditions, but not problems with the veins. And then deterioration occurs, the disease progresses, and it becomes more difficult to cure. In this case, varicose veins can affect various parts of the body that have veins. But most suffer from women's legs, so the symptoms of varicose veins in women should be noted.

examination of the legs with varicose veins in women

Disease mechanisms

The main cause of varicose veins in the legs is the weakness of the walls of the veins and blood vessels, as a result of which they can no longer push blood with optimum strength.

Blood stagnates and further stretches the veins. Growing up, they lose their elasticity, become brittle and eventually stop providing normal blood flow. Due to the fact that the blood is constantly standing in the veins, they swell, nodules and blood clots form, clogging the lumen in the vessels. This leads to thrombophlebitis.

Skin cells that do not receive enough oxygen begin to die, tissue necrosis develops, trophic lesions and ulcers appear. These are called end -stage varicose veins on the lower part of the legs and are treated only with the help of surgery.

It is no longer possible to completely cure this stage of the disease, but it is likely to slow its course and achieve a more or less stable remission.

Important! Doctors believe that the main cause of the appearance of varicose veins on the lower legs is a hereditary predisposition, therefore, if cases of the disease have been observed in the older generation in the family, especially careful care should be taken about the health of vessels.

wearing heels as a cause of varicose veins

How not to miss the onset of the disease?

It is very important to carefully monitor all diseases, even the smallest. If you catch stage 1 development, when the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs have just begun to appear, in most cases it is possible to reverse the process and maintain healthy veins. So, the first signs of leg varicose veins are:

  • growing swelling, which began to bother not only in the evening, but also at other times of the day;
  • heaviness and "tired legs" syndrome, appearing already at noon or earlier;
  • general weakness and indifference arising from tissue supply with insufficient oxygen;
  • spider veins or tissues on the legs and thighs, which are often the first sign of varicose veins to be noticed by the public.

In this case, with a timely visit to the doctor, the simplest methods of treatment can help: folk remedies, drugs for the prevention of varicose veins in the legs-venotonics in tablets and capsules, ointments, creams and gels.

If necessary to treat varicose veins in the legs, a phlebologist can prescribe medications that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as wear special compression underwear or use elastic bandages.

Important! Despite the fact that many drugs have few side effects and are prescribed, including for disease prevention, the decision as to which of them should be taken should be made exclusively by the phlebologist, but not by the patient himself.

leg pain with varicose veins

What are the dangers of this disease?

First of all, varicose veins, reaching advanced levels, threaten the formation of blood clots, which can block the flow of blood and oxygen to the most important arteries and veins located next to the lungs and heart. Pulmonary embolism often leads to sad outcomes.

In addition, varicose veins in the legs can be hidden, affecting the ducts that pass deep inside the legs. Such a condition is dangerous because external signs begin to appear when the disease has passed to the 2nd or even 3rd stage, where one cannot do it without surgery. A visit to the doctor should not be delayed if:

  • legs begin to swell frequently, while the kidneys are completely healthy, diabetes is not diagnosed, fluid intake is normal;
  • pulling or a sharp second pain appears in the pelvic organs, groin and upper thighs;
  • legs periodically cramping, especially at night;
  • the area at the bottom of the leg along the vein begins to swell after any load.

Internal varicose veins in the legs can seriously complicate a person’s life, bring constant pain into them and bring the condition to the intervention of a surgeon.

Important! Varicose veins during pregnancy are common. Most women are convinced that this is temporary and will definitely pass after childbirth, but in reality this is not always the case.

More often, after the load experienced by the veins during childbirth, the disease begins to develop. Therefore, the signs of varicose veins during pregnancy should not be ignored under any circumstances.

Can other body parts be affected?

Symptoms of varicose veins can affect various organs. In particular, varicose veins in the arms occur less frequently than varicose veins in the lower legs, but they cause the same anxiety and sadness. If you notice symptoms on your hands that are similar to the manifestations of this disease, you should see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • veins become very visible, become dark and swollen;
  • on the hands, including the fingers, swelling occurs;
  • there is often a burning sensation and pain;
  • doing the same action for a long time becomes problematic because of the weight on the hand;

Varicose veins on the hands appear, both in women and men, with more or less equal frequency, but nevertheless, the disease affects the stronger sex less frequently by 1. 5-2 times.

This is due to the fact that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more prone to fluctuations in the hormonal system, which is one of the main factors that trigger varicose veins in the arms.

Important! The first signs of varicose veins on the upper and lower extremities are very similar, but varicose veins on the legs have symptoms that are thought to be the result of flat feet, long walks or wearing shoes with heels, osteochondrosis, and hand varicose veins characterize. many symptoms take for granted the physical features of the vein structure.

Intestinal lesions

Almost with the same frequency as leg varicose veins, there are rectal varicose veins and their prolapse.

Under this name, the famous hemorrhoids are hidden. Those who are not lucky enough to get the disease can tell you how unpleasant it is for the signs of varicose veins to manifest themselves in such delicate areas:

  • sudden onset of sharp pain while walking;
  • severe pain when sitting up to inability to sit;
  • the appearance of blood from cracks in the anus and significant swelling, itching and burning;
  • defecation is also accompanied by pain, especially if combined with constipation, which often occurs with varicose veins in this area.

The symptoms of internal varicose veins are not as difficult to observe as external ones, as there is usually no uncomfortable sensation in the anus.

However, when referring to a proctologist, he usually places a 2nd degree varicose vein. It is not as easy to cure it as the first stage of the disease, but it is quite possible without the use of radical measures.

abdominal pain in women with varicose veins

If varicose veins on the arms and legs are more common in women, then rectal varicose veins affect the male body more. The main reasons for this are heavy physical exercise, serious sports, drinking alcohol and large amounts of snacks, as well as prostate disease that contributes to the narrowing of the urethra.

Important! Having discovered the first symptoms of rectal varicose veins, you should start treating them as soon as possible, because the danger of the disease in this particular area lies in the fact that the intestines can suffer and the work of the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted.

The disease develops gradually, without sudden jumps, but can lead to intestinal neoplasms, both benign and oncogenic.

men's problems

If varicose veins on the legs in men are relatively rare, then varicocele is a purely male disease. It consists of the fact that the expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord and testicles becomes one of the causes of infertility due to male factors.

The venous ducts with varicocele are filled with blood, from which the ducts cannot move further into the renal or small vena cava. In most cases, this problem occurs in the left testicle, because two veins are connected in that area: the kidneys and the semen.

The symptoms of testicular varicose veins are not manifested in any way until the couple has problems with conception. Then both couples go to the doctor, the woman - to the gynecologist, the man - to the andrologist. And first of all, an experienced doctor will examine the varicocele.

The disease can be detected both with the help of ultrasound and Dopplerography, and by investigating the veins during the patient’s press tension. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the man is ordered to take a spermogram to determine how far the disease has passed by the condition of the spermatozoa.

Important! It is possible to cure varicocele only with surgical intervention, and it is carried out, as a rule, to eliminate infertility in a man.

By itself, this phenomenon is harmless and usually does not cause discomfort, but sometimes the veins enlarge causing discomfort or pain. In this case, the operation is also indicated.


Varicose veins are caused by many factors, most of which can be corrected. And because the disease belongs to the dangerous category and often causes serious complications, as a result of which a person can become disabled, it is easier to take timely preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease:

  • normalize diet, eliminate a lot of fatty, spicy, salty and fried foods;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • after consulting a doctor, take venotonic drugs, use ointments that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • don’t spend a lot of time in the same position, prolonged sitting is just as dangerous as being on your feet;
  • allocate sufficient time for sports;
  • control weight, prevent the appearance of extra pounds, this is especially true for women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • choose comfortable shoes with low wide heels that don’t squeeze your feet, and leave high heels for an unusual case;
  • daily contrast baths, paying special attention to the legs, arms and pelvic organs;
  • stay in hot rooms, hot saunas and baths as little as possible;
  • with hereditary factors, it will be useful to wear compression stockings, tights or golf.

Having discovered the first signs of varicose veins, it is important to contact a phlebologist and, along with him, outline a treatment plan.